Office Address
2556 East 17th St, 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY 11235
(212) 203-1670
Production Locations
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Arizona, Shenzhen
EMail Address
To email us directly please use the following email address.

Dear clients please note we had moved our production location to 2556 East 17st. All appointments will be made for this address. We open every day for production orders but if you planning to stop by please be sure to call in or email us to set up the appointment. If you do not have appointment we cannot guarantee that we can have time for the meeting. In most cases we can do same day or same hour appointments BUT we need to check our schedule BEFORE you stop by.
By Appointment Only!
Regular Production Hours Mon – Fri 12:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Weekend appointments available as special request.
New York